c – close
d – display
o – open (hostname or IP) and (port)
q – quit
set – set
sen – send
st – status
u – unset
escape - set the escape character
exit - exit the Telnet
localecho - turn on local echo on the terminal
negotiate - the establishment of Telnet options
options - follow up of active options
quit - exit the Telnet
status - print status information
usecrnul - send CR-NUL and CR-LF as a newline
xon - local control the flow of symbols
z - interruption of Telnet session
? - print help information to Telnet
Telnet for Unix
On Unix operating system Telnet service is part of system programs and additional installation is not required, and Telnet client is activated by:
telnet [-d] [-a] [-n tracefile] [-e escapechar] [[-l user] host [port]]
where the parameters of the command have the following meanings:
host - IP address or symbolic name, machine name, seeking an outlet. This is the only mandatory parameter
-d - turn on debug information in exchange with host machine.
-a - automatic login in the host machine with the username used for the current user ID.
-n tracefile -record file of information tracing the relationship with host machine .
-e escapechar - down the escape character to terminate the relationship with the host machine.
-l user - set the username to connect to host machine. Replaces the option-l-a.
port - port number for the service of the service, if not specified is assumed 23.
In the next lesson we`ll talk about how to hack the password.